Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How do medical school acquire cadaver? Do relatives hold to donate their bodies directly to the college?

there's dozens of anonymous deaths within colombia that after the autopsies are dispatched (at the will of the pathologist) to whichever university needs them. the statute protects this (as it does the donation of organs from unclaimed corpses) here.
Unlike other places we're strongly catholic so nobody will donate themselves to science. we do get plenty more than most anywhere else surrounded by the world.i guess it's an unfortunately lucky set off.
people usually will their body to daughter desires to.
most people donate their body to science.but if they call for more, they get john doe's also and jane doe's
Just approaching Tami said. Like many ethnic group chose to donate their organs to individuals, lots of people settle on to donate their bodies to science. Just one body could be used by dozens of students to learn how to relief others in the adjectives.
they get them through the summit catalog.
There are organizations that pedal cadaver and organ gifts; in Pennsylvania for instance within is a statewide organization. I don't know of any cases of individuals donating directly to a school. I expect the object is to keep up some anonymity. By the way, within my city we have a citywide memorial service for donors.
most of the time, they are donated. Everyone know that people can be organ donors, but some relations that would like to be organ donors can't (cancer, infection, etc) and they ask to hold their body donated to science. if a med school doesn't own enough donations, they can buy them--not sure where on earth from though.
most ppl donate their govt. medical colleges any body which have no claim 2 it will b taken

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