Thursday, September 23, 2010

How can you trademark falsified blood?

Was this what you were asking, how to engineer movie fake blood or be you asking how to make medical class artificail blood?
Hemabate and other "synthetic" blood substitutes are derived in truly from real blood. As donated blood get old some of it is sent for proccessing. It is disrupted so the hemaglobin comes out of the cell. Its then wash to get rid of antibodies cell and cell fragments and the resultant hemaglobin is purified and made into a polymer for use as artificial blood.
Mix red food coloring and Karo syrup (corn syrup). You'll get more or less the same consistency as indisputable blood.
I heard to receive fake blood you want cornstarch water and red food dye - hope for the best -Kc
1. Corn syrup … you can find this clear syrup at the grocery store within the syrup section. Look for the Karo brand.

2. Food coloring … Use predominantly red, and you might want to add for a time blue or purple to make the blood look dark.

3. Milk … A little milk will make the blood look more dark (you can’t see through it).
When mixing your blood together, go for a gloom color
ketchup lol
tools:red food coloring,a glass of hose
you have to put red food coloring into a cup of water and you will see the falsification blood.
Please see the webpage for more details on Blood substitutes (Artificial blood).

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