Monday, September 27, 2010

how do i overcome leg cramps?

Leg cramps could also be caused by a sodium or potassium lack of correspondence. Try drinking Gatorade or eating a bannana and produce sure that if you increase your water intake you also increase your sodium and potassium intake as economically.
You can strech before you do something
If you still receive the cramps massage the muscle
Press foot down on cold ceramic tiles.
Dont overstrain.
Avoid postures which make happen the cramp.
Slowly masage with olive grease and also with hot river.
If persists consult doctor.
No overnite remedy but you can find relief and cure over a length of time.
you can sterect it out good,or run to the doctor if that don't work because you might be sick and you don't know.
to immediately relieve from a cramp contained by the feet, stand on tiptoe and strain your muscles. Then own some salt sea. Thats the way i do it. Ya even neurobion works. But consult a dcotor since takin medication.
Muscle cramps are generally cause from a lack of potassium. There are tons over the counter vitamin supplements you can take. I find that consumption a couple of bananas each year works wonders.
Eat more calcium rich food! Leg cramps are caused by calcium ion inequality which cause muscle spasms (cramps).
Try rubbing the nouns, putting warm compress or drinking Gatorade. To prevent cramps, try stretching or warm up before doing any physical leisure.
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