Thursday, September 23, 2010

How close are scientists to finding a cure to hemophilia?

My son has hemophilia and the docs articulate he will have a cure within his lifetime, but I want to know how close they really are. Hemophilia can only be cure if and solitary if he gets a stem cell entrench. So far there is a Japanese scientist that be able to turn an familiar cell into an immortal stem cell that can generate itself into any tissue/organ that needs to be any replaced or repaired. I would say if the experimental and worldwide bioethics committee would agree for human test subjects right in a minute, the cure would be around by 10 years. But hemophilia is a manageable disease. Just be paid sure he gets plasma factor in his system every 3 months or so.
I'd believe your doctor, because he probably know better than any of us here.
Give me a few more minutes. I'm working on it!
Dr. Jet
It can't be cured, it's a genetic defect. Any consult of modifying people's genes to cure diseases is waaaayyy off if even possible.
they already did! what they don't hold is the agreement on how everyone involve in creating, work, marketing and prescribing will have their own cut from the sale.
There is much research into many disorders going at this time. His doctor may be premature surrounded by his statement but I don't know the results of specific research for cures for hemophilia. Stem cell research appears to be the most hopeful right now. You can contact the National Hemophilia Foundation at and take the latest information from them.

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